Welcome to TOP Performance Diagnostics

referenzen sprechblaseThe team at ‚ToP Performance Diagnostics‘ has made it their goal to offer affordable quality testing in the areas of lactate diagnostics and sport skills. The physical component has presently attained a key position in many sports in addition to the technical and/or tactical skills. Especially the areas of speed, explosive leg power and endurance form the basic requirements for the performance standards of a successful athlete. Complex computer-controlled testing procedures can provide a coach with insightful data about the performance skills of his athletes. -Ronald Hornek



We boost your performance using diagnostics and systematic improvement

MUsing knowledge of strengths and deficits of individual players, the coach can manage training sessions more specifically and systematically. The coach can also incorporate a high level of individuality into his training sessions. The area of time management is where a lot of coaches struggle. Especially challenging is covering all performance-designated components in the training time. Therefore personal responsibility for endurance should be transferred to the athlete. To facilitate this, the coach needs the corresponding training heart rates of his athletes to develop (or have developed) specific training programs. The coach can then, on the basis of well-developed endurance, focus on implementing further emphases in his coaching.